Mom Fought The Law and The Law TOTALLY Won.
Mom was at a gas station filling up her car. As she was pulling out, a cop turned on his lights and went after her. AFTER he turned on his sirens, she finally pulled over.
The cop approached her car and the following exchange occured.
Cop: M'am, do you know why I pulled you over?
Mom: No.
Cop: You were playing your music way too loud. You were violating a noise ordinance in the area. (Cop proceeds to read ordinance).
Mom: Well I had no idea that there was a NICKELBACK ban in the area.
Cop: You know, I was originally going to give you a warning. But since you had to get smart with me, I'm going to give you a ticket.
At this point in Mom telling me this story, I am about to kill her. But it gets better.
Mom goes to pay the ticket at the police station. She is wearing her work name tag and scrubs when she goes on. Mom goes by her middle name, and as such, her middle name is on her name tag as opposed to her first name.
The police officer asks her if she has an alias. Mom is confused, and says no. The police officer points out her name tag and her drivers license, and how the first names differ. Mom says she goes by her middle name, but, YES. She does have an alias. "It's TATER SALAD".